The conversation described in the Thursday, September 29, 2005 post Apartment hunting: the aftermath ocurred on the last weekend of August.
It is now the middle of October.
Staying was pretty much a waste of time.
It worked better from a financial standpoint - two more months of shared expenses, not having to buy all the inevitable items for independent living, and god knows whatever other unforeseen expenses.
It works for the kids, I suppose - a couple more months of everyone still under the same roof.
Mrs_C has stopped ripping into me regularly. For someone who said she had no idea that she was constantly berating me, it sure stopped in a hurry when I said I wanted to leave - like a light switch it stopped.
The relationship is now almost without substance - except for parenting. We have always done that well.
Have you ever been on a business trip or something where you are temporarily sharing accomodation with another adult whom you are not friends with, but are on polite terms with? That pre-naturally calm, polite, over-polite consideration you give to your temporary roommate so as to not cause any offence.
That's what it's like.
I still don't think she wants to be with me. I think she just wants to see if we can be adequate companions.
She avoids discussions about us, or about feelings.
However, the home renovation express just keeps on rolling.
I have refused to pay for any of the stuff related to the new renovations. In the past I rang up credit cards and lines of credit to pay for it. Now I'm paying down debt and hoarding cash in the event of a split.
This sucks.
It's empty, and it's hollow.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
3 years ago
I have read your entire blog in under 15 minutes and can't seem to stem the tears flowing down my face. If I could somehow rein my thoughts into some coherent form, I'd tell you...something...hopefully something that could soothe your soul...if even for a mere minute or two.
Lara's a dear friend of mine...and I know she chooses to surround herself with wonderful people. You're a new good person on my list of people I like.
Like TC said in earlier comments...if you want to email...let me know. My heart and prayers are with you.
There are never any easy answers when the people who should love us the most and accept us regardless of anything...seemingly make it a daily goal to find a chink in the armor we wear for protection. I don't know if your wife will see how her words have bruised you, her actions pained you...
I DO know there are people in your life who appreciate the man you are. Pounds? We all have a few extra. Hair? We all either have too much or too little. Big deal.
Love. Intelligence. Perseverance. Acceptance. Empathy. Tolerance. Humor.
You either have 'em or you don't. I don't need to hear any lists or see any numbers. I know what you have. And I like it all.
thank-you for your words buddha_girl
thank-you for your tears, and thank-you for your emotion
thank-you for thinking well of me
Cadbury, things are obviously not going to improve on their own. I'm with TC... either the two of you should look into counseling (if you WANT to try to stay together) or you may as well give it up. You've been hurt too long and too often to get over it, and she obviously has no clue about how deep the hurt has gone. Sounds to me like she's going to try to do just enough to keep you there... not necessarily because she wants you there (history would question that point), but likely because she's scared to be alone.
I hadn't realized you'd written updates here. My heart is aching for you now.
*big hugs*
You're a sweet man. You deserve someone who recognizes that.
A big hug & a smooch from someone who's thinking about you ;)
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