On lara's blog Literally Speaking, she had a posting about books: Book-Tagged
Lara talked about the thousands of books she owns and has in her house.
One poster said:
"Let's hear it for libraries. Every time I'm tempted to buy a book, I ask myself if it wouldn't be better to try the library. Naturally, we all have favorites we want to own. But realisically, how often do we read the vast majority of the books we own? Perhaps the space and resources devoted to all these books could better be invested elsewhere. If nothing else, what are our kids going to do with all this crap when we're gone? Is there a place online to trade/share books?"
This poster thinks like Mrs_C. She pressured me to throw out or get rid of most of my books.
I did. I capitulated. I even ended up throwing out some books. I recgonise they were the kind of novels that a person buys for an airplane ride or when you are going home sick and know you'll be laid up in bed for a few days, but they're still books.
For me books are sort of like comfort food for my mind and soul.
All books are a piece of our existence, and destroying a book is destroying a piece of infinity - a piece of creation.
Burning books and destroying books before they have fallen apart physically is a sin and a crime of such proportions as to be indescribable. People who destroy books (even vile books) are only a few steps from those who commit hate crimes.
Books are only below children in the hierarchy of creation that we as humans have the ability to perform.
Books have a soul.
Being surrounded by books is like being surrounded by the souls of the books and a piece of the author.
I have gotten rid of some books because I didn't like the spirit of the book, and didn't want that spirit to be in my presence, but I have otherwise tried to keep most of my books since childhood - well that is beyond actual children's books - well, actually I had (have) some of them left.
All the dr seuss books, go dog go, and many others that gave me comfort and place in the world.
I took some of my childhood books to my parent's house before Mrs_C ditched thm in some cleaning frenzy. It was sort of like a refugee camp for my books. They were stored in boxes over there except for when my Mom pulls them out to give to kids (including mine) that may over there. It's funny that Mom never puts them back in the boxes - she always puts them onto her bookshelves.
My books are a part of my being and removing them from me is tearing out a piece of my soul.
I really have never forgiven having those books taken away from me.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
3 years ago
i know exactly what you mean about the books. i have them piled all over my house.
how likely is it that the books - at least for right now - are representative of other hurts and pains?
i read all your blog last week. this is too close to home for me.
my husband and i are in marriage counseling and decide in May if we are going to stay together or separate (after 11 years.)
i don't talk about this on my blog b/c none of my family knows - and of course they read my blog.
i hurt for you.
i hurt for me.
i hurt for our spouses.
i wish for you the wisdom to discern the proper path for you and your family. and then i wish the courage for you to follow that path.
"how likely is it that the books - at least for right now - are representative of other hurts and pains?"
it is both
my books are my books and i love them for themselves
taking them away is just one more way mrs_c has taken away pieces of me
You already know that I love books. The only books I get rid of are the ones that I struggled to read through... that for whatever reason I couldn't find a kinship with. Even then I find it hard to part with them.
Sure libraries are great... I love libraries. I just want my OWN library!
No one could force me to get rid of my books.
Wow, Cad, I am so sorry. I am in love with my books too. I have all mine from childhood and buy more all the time. What we have on our sheves are extensions of ourselves. I am so sorry Mrs. C does not understand that. What's yours is yours. I am sending you white light and all good things! OHC
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