Talked to the lawyer. My position is still solid.
Got direction on how to begin proceedings at the lowest cost. Will be sending an initial letter describing the process I envision.
I will be putting forward a starting position for negotiations on a "without prejudice" basis. That is - nothing proposed can be used in the future to try to hold be to a position proposed in the initial letter.
I am going to propose mediation to start with (lowest cost), and then we will proceed from there. I reviewed my expected final position with the lawyer and my parents and while they think i may be prepared to give up too much, they also agree that getting it all done qucikly is probably worth the $15-$20K down I will come out under my proposal - especially since about $10-$15K of that will be pension related transfers.
The lawyer says that the longer i keep the alternating week arrangement on custody, the less likely the courts will be to change the arrangement - especially since the law starts with joint custody and will only alter that if there is substantive reason.
Mrs_C rejected the counselling arrangments I made. Even though they were exactly as she had requested they be with the agency she requested...
She has come up with some other people, so i will review her stuff and see how it works.
More later.
Things are insanely busy between work, kids, fall activities, volunteer stuff, and Smitten.
Some days are better, some are worse.
Lots of thinking. Probably too much.
I miss cross-talking with all of you on your blogs. I miss you.
I will probably post again this weekend with a little more detail on the above stuff.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
3 years ago
So much going on in your life, Cad.....
Take care of yourself and keep us updated as you can.
We'll be here. :)
Take time to breathe! In and out, in and out...I know I have to sometimes too!
Like Pissy sadi, We' ll be here!
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