more or less alive
so much has happened
so much has changed
so little is different
i'm going to have to stretch out my posts about the last two months because it would be the mother of all posts to do one single update
i'm still employed even if many of my friends aren't. much of my life is clustered around the business, and so are my friends. i like having friends whose worldview is like mine.
now the people who made up my daily life and who shared my passion are scattering
it's sad
it's an adjustment
i will see how many friendships endure beyond the common tie of work
my Dad had a couple of major TIAs (transient ischemic attack). He was hospitalised and had partial paralysis in his right side. He is still recovering from the paralysis.
"TIAs occur when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery, and part of the brain doesn't get the blood it needs. The symptoms occur rapidly and last a relatively short time. Most TIAs last less than five minutes. The average is about a minute. Unlike stroke, when a TIA is over, there's no injury to the brain."
TIAs are also called mini-strokes. It's a bit of a mis-nomer. A stroke causes permanent damage, a TIA does not.
The medical folks believe that this episode caused no permanent damage. They found evidence of dead tissue, though - so he has had real strokes already. This doesn't come as a huge surprise to me. He has had various confusion issues - he is really quite brilliant, so his slightly damaged brain is still sharper than most people's full capacity. But knowing him - he is diminished - as noted in a couple of past posts.
My mom isn't talking it very well. Dad is being his usual asshole self. Concerned for the first little bit, adjusts to the minor discomfort and then doesn't change.
He has the adult version of teenaged invulnerability. He has always been such a capable individual he was able to handle anything and everything that was ever thrown his way. Add to that a politician's ego and you have a recipe for ignoring the decrepitude of age. Add to that a healthy dose of physical laziness. He can work physically hard - he farmed for most of his life in addition to his professional career. His jobs have been extremely demanding - he always works hard at anything he works at - but only what he chooses to, and only what he wants to. And he doesn't do exercise. It holds no interest for him. He can bluff, and slough, and slide his way through everything else. Now this too.
Add to that a streak of stubbornness that would put a mule to shame...
We'll see how all this works out.
after being stable for awhile
stbx-Mrs_C is losing it
in a bad way
the shit that used to be directed at me is belching out toward my kids
it has accelerated over the last 3-4 weeks
that is a subject for a whole post
it's home time, so all the rest of what i was intending to write about will have to go by the wayside for now
i will post a few pictures from the wine tour Smitten and I went on - where we got to meet Balloon Pirate.
things are good there
sometimes wonderful
sometimes tired
not the relationship
but the people
there is a lot happening - maybe most of it is happening in my own head
but it tires me out
home time
more later
P.S. sorry to have been a bad blog buddy, but there was little choice over the last while
i have tried to keep half assed up to date on your blogs, but have sucked in general. i will continue to suck for the next while - just not as bad as i have recently
thank-you to everybody that checks in and who has inquired
thank-you for being friends
How to Beat Sex Addiction
3 years ago
Cad, sorry to hear about your father. TIA's are so scary. I can't imagine how you must feel.
Don't worry about blog time. We are here for you when you need us.
Here's to hoping that your dad transitions well from this last attack. I hope your mom can be realistic while still enjoying time with your father.
I hope the changes at work veer toward new horizons that both challenge and fulfill you.
Finally, allow others to lend a hand, shoulder, etc.
re: stbx: My friend Mike (who went through all this shit two decades ago, so he ha a great perspective on it) said it best: Your wife will make your case for you better than anything you could ever say. So don't worry. She will find a way to shoot holes in her credibility. And even if she doesn't, your kids will only put up with this crap for so long.
I really had a great time visiting with you. Next time in the Bahamas!
Hang in there Cad, we're all pullng for you, chin up:)
thats gotta be hard with your dad and all I am sure... blog as you can.. I always pop on just to see if you have posted anything new... I also hope that the work world yields to you a little bit.. and things smooth out... that can be so stressful.. and as far as Xs go.. well.. as you know we got married 2 weeks ago this coming Sunday.. and 2 weeks before the wedding the X pipes in with she wishes things were different between them and then starts saying things to the kids.. ( our wedding is to big.. its ridiculous.. etc.. ) .. she also wanted to see her former in laws too.. that did not happen thank god.. and my sweetheart for the most part let her know what the deal is.. by just a single look.. they did meet up for lunch... I am sure our marriage is hard on her.. but she made the choice for divorce over 10 years ago.. I was not around then.. he told her there would be no turning back.. she did not believe him apparently until 2 weeks ago.. ( we have been together 7 years and had lived together 5 of those 7) so Xs I hate to say will always be there.. and they can rock your world in a bad way.. and they can disrupt your childrens lives too.. so ..always be straight with the kids... and they will know the truth about their mom...
Wishing you some calm time.. and glad things are still going well with Smitten.. sounds like she is the peace in your life...
Be well..
Cad, I hope your dad is doing better...I have been reading your blog, just not commenting...sorry. my energy was gone, but I feel it returning. So, I hope this finds you doing better also! I am here if you need me! :)
I'm sorry I haven't acknowledged your brilliant work on the machinery of Canadian politics and the apparatniks involved in it.
I should have. I enjoyed the way you laid it out and I learned.
Thanks a lot, Cad. Here's to hoping you'll never change. You see, we come here because of the man you are - not because of the man you yearn to be.
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