so i started going through all my algebra review stuff.
i remember almost none of it.
i remember the logical structure, but almost none of the methods.
factoring polynomial equations? eeek!!!!!!!
a radical? someone who wears a a Che Guevara t-shirt? something that causes cancer...?
my son started to help me, but he was not in math mode, and had to translate all his notes to english from french (the language he took math in).
i was pretty freaked out.
i have to take a competency exam on monday. it will determine if i have to retake all three years of high school math (3 classes) or just 2.
i am sanguine
even if i have to take all 3 it doesn't matter. it just means my calculus class will have to wait a little longer. and that i will have to wait until fall 2009 to finish my certificate instead of spring 2009.
it will make no difference to getting a job - i could get one now. then i will have a certificate less a calculus class. it won't faze a hiring officer.
it occurred to me that it is potentially God's will that this should happen. son hasn't been doing all his assignments/homework in math and has failed a couple of the classes. he will be redoing them this year. about the time i will be doing essentially the same classes.
perhaps it is God/the fates conspiring to get son to actually do his homework if he and i have to work on it together.
or something
we'll see.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago
Oooooooh I was blindsided by the math terms you threw out in this post. Last April I had to help out at school when several teachers did NOTHING to provide documentation required by federal law for several of their students. With the exception of one student, all of the files were MATH. I crash-coursed my ass in math the night before meeting with the kids for a marathon day of MATHMATHMATH.
Way to go, Cadbury. You can do it!
Mr. C. . . . I have learned that things don't always work out they way I want them to work out. . . . . yet they do work out in a way that is better than I thought . . . . AND. . . . . I have come to conclude that Sicilian's way is not always the best. . . . even though I would die defending it. . . .
Take it a day at a time. . . . it will work out. . . . and you will look back and be thankful.
i got a chill just reading this. i remember nothing of algebra!
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