The above question was asked at another blog. Below is my answer:
my blog revolves around expressed my otherwise repressed feelings about my wife.
we are on the edge of divorce.
it would be a REALLY bad idea for her to read it.
she knows it exists, but has not asked for a URL (i think because she knows i wouldn't give it to her, and she probably doesn't want to know some of the things i've written). she knows that it is anonymous and that i use it for expressing things i don't want to say to her. she views it as an extension of my sessions with my counsellor.
she recognises that i keep a lot of emotion locked up and that i need to find an outlet.
she is not completely comfortable with the blog, or my blogging life.
she says "you have this existance that is outside of anyplace i can see, and i'm not comfortable with that hidden life."
she has not asked me to stop blogging, even when i asked her if she thought i should stop.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago
mine knows about one - but not the other
the other is my guts. raw.
the one you know is me - just sanitized.
Mine knows I have one but has little interest in reading it. He thinks it's a good outlet for me in many regards and understands why I NEED to write, why I NEED to create.
It's actually adorable when he asks if I've had feedback from my fellow bloggers.
My husband not only knows about my blog, but he visits it now and then, and is even willing to take his licks when I am blogging about whatever shitty thing he might have done. *L* I suppose I am very lucky that way. He knows I need an outlet and he gives me my space. Yep, he's even reading this over my shoulder as I am typing, and I would STILL say the same exact thing...even if he weren't.
my husband knows about mine and reads it....
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