Wednesday, November 12, 2008


dad's going in for open heart surgery on the 17th

quadruple or quintuple bypass

some kind of heart repair something

and likely some kind of aortic replacement (planned but not certain)...

for a dude who's been having TIAs and has massive arterial plaque issues...

the 17th is the last possible date i can pull out of my classes with just a withdrawal and no failure recorded

it is the day i expect my father to die or be permanently disabled from a stroke

hopefully that will not come to pass and the old fart will pull it through

my mother has complained that he seems to think that by sheer force of personality he can overcome his physical condition

i hope he is enough an asshole to prove her right


Honi said...

Best of Luck to your family right now.. I do hope all goes well for the surgery.. just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.. unlike I was...

SignGurl said...

Oh, Cad, I'm thinking of you and your family.

Sicilian said...

Mr. C . . . in the states at my hospital. . . . . they do Aortic valve replacements and bypasses every day. . . up to 4 a day. If your dad's general health is good. . . . he can have an excellent outcome. . . . I tend to remain positive. . . . and hopeful for you and your family.
Pull out of the classes Mr. C. . . . there is no reason to have so much stress in your life.
Will be checking in on your blog. . . . God's Best to you and yours.

Big Pissy said...

Best of luck, Cad.

I'll be thinking of you and your family.

Wien. said...

I hope it all goes well, Cad.