Wednesday, January 07, 2009

men smell bad...

at least when there is a large number of them and they are sweaty and in a locker room


i have shoveled and moved piles of rotting pig shit that smelled better than the locker room at the gym yesterday

you know how towels get that nasty rotting smell if you leave them damp?

and men's old socks are usually gross?

and how some men smell really sour bad when they sweat heavily?

mix 'em together


for the record - i rarely smell bad

i am a freak about hygiene and personal odour

yeah - men smell bad


there is incredible levels of shit going on in the rest of my life, but i will post on that trajectory later tonight

assuming something else doesn't come along to fuck up my life between now and then

same old shit - just further along the path it previously was on


Sicilian said...

Mr. C. . . .sorry about the crap. . . will you ever be divorced.
Just an observation. . . . old men stink really bad. . . . any nursing home will verify that fact.

Lil'Sis said...

Hey Cad, glad you posted, I was worried, but I'm having good thoughts going your way today, I'm hopeful for things turning for you.

And, yeah, Men smell so bad, esp. at the gym, when I'm working out next to a guy and the stink is just terrible, gotta go to the other side...ditto what sicilian said on old men, uck!