Friday, August 22, 2008

this is fucking bullshit

i just finished my final

once again the time limit burned me

if i pass (and i have to pass the final to pass the class) it will be a marginal pass

with 30 more minutes (3 hour exam) i would have walked out with an 80 or 90

but no

it's not a test of knowledge, it's a test of how quick you are...

the logic of it all just takes me longer

my work is always good

i am hurting

i am really quite crushed


if i fail, i fail

i will re-do the class and do better next time

i will not complete all the classes in the timeline i set out (1 year), but i will complete my plan, bumps and all

and the future will have to hold whatever it holds


Sicilian said...

Again . . . you are extra hard on yourself. . .
You are a valuable person and this is just a bump in the road. . . . you have got to roll with it.
Whatever it is it will be ok.

Sicilian said...
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Wien. said...

Hey Cad,
If you find that you run into this same problem again, it may be possible to talk to someone in the school that can arrange for you to test differently. Tests should be a test of knowledge, not a test of time. Check that out, if the need comes up again.
You'll make it. As you said, it may take more time, but it can be done.

Big Pissy said...

You ARE extra hard on yourself.

It'll be fine.

Just look at how far you've come?



cadbury_vw said...

hey there wein,

i did talk to my prof about my exam issues - they are not new. in my earlier incarnations at university after i asked my profs for more time, my marks went up by 20 or more percent

this prof said that it was a time management issue and that i would just have to be more concious of where i allocate my time

i'm going to talk to the assistant dean about the issue and whether there is some weird university appeal mechanism that will allow me to do something about it

my issue is that i wasn't able to finish the multiple choice part. i did the programming sections, but not all the multiple choice - maybe they'll let me do a re-write on that part of the exam...

terry said...

most tests are like this, i think.

and i agree with everyone else: you're too hard on yourself.

Honi said...

well as i always say ... we make plans and God laughs.. so on that note.. adjusting things is never bad.. sticking with it thats the main thing.. much luck to u..

ohc said...

I am proud of you for sticking to it. Please be kinder to yourself. You've worked too hard and come too far to knock yourself down.

I had to take a major exam once I finished grad school and I failed it twice...(I suck at math), but once I talked to the professor, there was an alternate test which alloted more time (4 hours). That test I passed with a higher than average score.

So, grasshopper, try again...there may be an alternate.

Sending white light and good things your way.

Wien. said...

Hey Cad,
Just checkin' on ya!
