Friday, December 30, 2005

Mrs_C quote of the decade:

Mrs_C said it a couple more times, slightly differently each time, but the core words are here:

"I thought you loved me so much you would never leave me, so I didn't ever consider what I might be doing to you with what I said and did."

did you miss that everyone?

let me repeat it in bold

"I thought you loved me so much you would never leave me, so I didn't ever consider what I might be doing to you with what I said and did."


Mouthy Girl said...

Do you honestly want to know what I think about such a hateful, self-serving statement?

cadbury_vw said...


when i received your post, i assumed that you might not have read through the entire blog

but i wasn't sure

so i went back and read that last post and re-read her statement from the lens/filter your statement provided

to be honest, i think that mrs_c's comment was meant as an apology of sorts... or at least an explanation of her behaviour.

mrs_c has only admitted to making 3 mistakes in her life (outside of "professional" mistakes in some specific task or job she was doing [oh, i picked the wrong colour for the kitchen. oh, i should have started supper earlier. oops, wrong turn]).

i think her statement is as far as she can go toward an apology

i finally pinned mrs_c down on a response to the question: name one thing you believe you have done wrong during our marriage, or one problem that is your fault or that you are responsible for

her answer:

I shouldn't have been so hard on you or been so mean to you about the things you did. It was wrong of me to be that mean.

The 'think of yourself first' part still holds, I believe. But I will read your entire blog, before I offer any unsolicited goody-2-shoes again.

I am sorry,


um, no sweat

thank-you for taking the time to read, and to care about some dude you don't really know

that means a lot to me.

to be honest, i

cadbury_vw said...

oops, i missed deleting that last word string


i put the additional comments on the front page

cadbury_vw said...

Kristin wrote:

In the unlikely event that you do get back together, I shall stand back and speak only when spoken to. Taking sides is a tricky matter and there is a price to pay, if I am wrong, I know.

the possibility, however unlikely, exists that we won't split. I have not discarded all hope of some "breakthrough".

i just do not think it is realistic.

if we stay together, or get back together after splitting, i would not find any fault in any of the things you have written.

because they are true.

i do not subscribe to a blindly protective policy of family (or friends). i will defend to the death, but i will do it knowing all their qualities and all their faults.

if i choose to go continue with mrs_c it will be with context and with the acceptance of that context, not ignoring or forgetting it.

things i have said about her, and to her, will stand. things my friends have said will stand.

if anything you said (or will say) were inaccurate or unfair, i would correct it - i will still act honourably.

taking a side is often tricky. i'm just a little odd, and don't react quite the same way as many others.

cadbury_vw said...


another question for your list:

"Among the two of you ..."

who has any friends?

that would be a checkmark in the Cadbury column...

who has no friends (co-workers don't count in this context unless you go to their houses and speak/socialise with them outside a work context), except for her sister (and mother)?

yep, mrs_c.

i think that little factoid speaks to some truth of my universe.

even the friends i have slowly tried to drag into our lives to socialise with as a couple, mrs_c has been pushing away and refusing to do things with.

mutter, mutter