they asked for details and i provided them with as much as i had - i just sent them more information
they are not demanding that i work through anything with them
they are asking that i have my monthly budget and statements gone over by an accountant to confirm the information i am giving them (reasonable request)
i will end up lowering my total monthly credit card payments from something around $1100 to a $200 payment on their line of credit
interest rate dropping from an average of 17% to 2.5%
saving over $400 per month interest
it was all supposed to be paid off a couple of years ago...
that would be from a settlement
that isn't here yet
Late Breaking News (later in the evening):
Mom had the shit fit I expected earlier. It just took awhile. I had sent over the written details of what i had outlined in our verbal session.
They are so hot and cold. Just like on buying the house.
Either be fucking prepared to help me or don't. Either want the facts, or don't. I hate this start and stop crap.
Smitten told me that most people marry one of their parents. Me, I married both.
I recognise it is their money. But they offered. I did not ask them.
I took them at their word they would be (and continue to be) reasonable.
I understand that it's their money. But I have/had other options to make my bills and to make it over this hump. But they made the offer - knowing the general outlines of my situation - there were no surprises. But now they have to have a shit fit and are starting to ask/demand me to explain/justify my whole history of how i got here going back years.
I'm not prepared to do that.
I've done the dance for them one too many times.
And yes - you may be reading this thinking "beggars can't be choosers". But i didn't beg. They offered.
and now it's the same crap they have pulled time and time again - convert an offer of help into me having to beg and justify and abase myself
on the lawyer/settlement front:
me to lawyer last week:
[Son] just advised me that [STBX] told him that he and [Daughter] have to move back to her place or else she'll "lose everything" and have to pay $1400 a month child support
this is one of the major sticks she's been emotionally beating them with recently
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 17:03:29
Subject: Re: [STBX] telling kids lies about child support
I have phoned [STBX]'s lawyer and asked for this manipulation on the part of [STBX] to end IMMEDIATELY. I hope it has stopped. I was advised they have spoken to her so hopefully it will end.
Also, the mediator has been assigned and her name is [mediator name] and her phone number is [number]. I was going to follow up with her tomorrow as she is supposed to be arranging to speak to you and [STBX] either tomorrow or Monday to set up the first meeting.
I just love how some people think that all you have to do is tell the abusive person to "just stop it".
They can't stop it.
I wish your situation was such that you could tell your parents to stop it, tell them where to stuff their "offer".
Won't it be nice when we can all take a big breath and be done with it all?
You've got my support, Cad.
I look forward to the day all this is settled for you, Cad.
There's got to be a light at the end of this fucking tunnel, right?
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