Tuesday, October 06, 2009

just when it can't get any better

[i've been trying to write this since friday... but it just won't come out]

my son goes to the police and reports the statutory rape of his sister (you remember Plan B...?) when daughter(13) the 18 year old dude come into her room on that july sunday morning and have sex with her...

he doesn't tell me he's doing this - he's asked about it, but not said he was going to do it. i had told him what happened when i called in about it - when the police wouldn't take my report and said i had to go talk to a lawyer first...

he texts me to ask me what day it happened. i won't answer because i don't want him to shit on his sister more. then he texts me he's in the middle of filing a police report

anyway - lousy narrative here - but i am having such problems typing this

he files. i ask him what he wanted to accomplish, and what he expected this to do, and how he sees his move playing out.

he doesn't have any answer except that this might make his sister stop - as he calls it: "whoring around" - and that it would put fear into any older teens that might think about banging her.

i cannot even begin to describe how much danger there is to inviting the police and social services to come investigate your lives unless you are fucking mary poppins.

anyway - the detective interviewed me friday. it went ok - he seems intent on only dealing with the statutory rape issue. we'll see how social services deals with the situation.

he interviewed daughter on saturday

i talked to the detective today. everything is going ok for now.

i am very worried about daughter. she has gone silent and distant.

i think she's numb - can't accept this adult outcome

she was always ambivalent about her actual sexual activities - even if she thought she really wanted them and thought about sex all the time

and now the two guys have been charged. both over 18.

this on top of all of son's other erratic behaviour, i am quite concerned. i intend to ask for his keys back. i have just dismantled the bunk bed. her will not be moving back in until i see serious behaviour changes and i believe i can trust him again


there is so much more to say on all this, but i am so stunned and overwhelmed and fucked over by all this i just can't formulate the words


Sicilian said...

Hugs to you Mr. C. I ache inside because I suspect disfunctional STBX is really the push behind it all.
I wish I could help, but I can't so big Texas Sicilian Hugs to you and your beloved family.

Big Pissy said...

Sicilian always leaves such wonderful, supportive comments for you.

so...what Sicilian said. Except big Georgia Pissy hugs to you and your beloved family.

CP said...

I am so sorry this is happening to all of you. Most of all, my heart aches for your daughter. She has set herself up on a dangerous road. I started my sexual activities at a very young age as well, with much older boys. When family intervened and violated my privacy...I rebelled in a horrible way. I hope that she knows she has a loving and caring father she can rely on. I didn't have that. Hopefully, you can change the course that she has started down.

It's a lot of work, love. A lot of work and patience.


So Not Wishy Washy said...

Son's behavior sounds SO like something stbx would do. It appears he's taken in quite a bit of what she modeled for him over the years.

I'm glad you're sticking by your daughter and are muddling through the best you can at this point.