Friday, May 12, 2006

really fast post

i thank everyone for their recent comments

i am writing another post that will address some of the elements that are raised in the comments to my last post

i was teaching all day today (yay fun!) and just checked in for a moment while dashing (another dance weekend for the kids)

while i will be responding in detail soon, one quick response to Larry's comments:

yes. i think she may be afraid of losing the kids. she knows that they are pretty pissed with her and her behaviour. a number of times she has suggested that all of us were "against" her

another thing she said the other day - she said: "even though things have been really bad i have felt more connected these last three weeks on an emotional level than i have in years because of the emotional outpouring during our discussions."

then she said:

"i'm almost like a bad kid looking for attention. i'm deliberately provoking clashes because of the intensity of emotion that swirls around them."


i'm thinking: oh great...


terry said...

it's really too bad she doesn't have that clarity more often (about provoking battles).

and it would be really great if she could have that clarity in a therapist's office!

Big Pissy said...

I think she knows exactly what she's doing.

But since you continue to put up with it, she'll continue to do it.

Mouthy Girl said...


Cadbury...she's openly admitting her tricks of the trade to you. Putting a 'postive' spin on her abusive tactics doesn't negate her targeted behavior.

By playing her game, you're modeling for your children. Do you want your son and daughter to think a loving, supportive, healthy relationship revolves around endless arguing, bickering, and threats?

You've given us all an inside look to at the cyclic fighting and discussions. Have things gotten better or worse? Be honest.