Friday, January 26, 2007

why did you take it? why did you take it again and again?

Why did you take the "beatings". Why did you take it? Why did you take it again and again? Why would you? What would compel you to accept the emotional trauma that she would visit on you repeatedly?

Those are questions that have come up from two sources - Smitten, and stbx-Mrs_C's counsellor. The counsellor is a PHD psychologist with about 30 years spent working primarily with trauma recovery, accident and injury recovery and addictions. He's worked for the regional health district (we have government health care here), in private practice and also works with the rehabilitation hospital.

According to the Family Assistance Plan personnel he's the top guy in this half of the province. So it appears that stbx-Mrs_C's lawyer did pick a good person. I am glad for that.

I went to see him originally just to introduce myself. I figured that it would be better for him to have met this shadowy figure that my ex-wife and son would be referring to. We spent the first session talking about the marriage and never got to talk about son. He said I should come back for another session. I went back yesterday. That would be after Monday's incident with stbx-Mrs_C, and after her Tuesday counselling session.

He has been asking me a lot of questions about the marriage and stbx-Mrs_C. He has been less counselling and more information retrieving. One of the set of questions he asked were the ones at the beginning of this post. Smitten has been pressing me with that set of questions for awhile. I finally had an answer for her when we spoke over the phone on Wednesday night and it provided the answer for the counsellor on Thursday.

I am the youngest in my family. My Dad was a relatively absent father - as were most fathers in that era. He was a progressive man for his time, but still was a bit of an inconsiderate lout. That is: he would suddenly show up with half a dozen or more people and my Mom would be scurrying to make a social event while Dad and his mover and shaker (for real movers and shakers) friends and guests would hold weighty discussions. We had no household help. We kids were the household help. We were trained (by necessity) from early how to assist, prepare, and serve.

I also hung out with the ladies at various events. I kinda like women better than men. Not that I have transgender leanings, I just like women more. I should rephrase that - I am highly attracted to women and have been since a very early age - for the most part I would rather go with that attraction than hang around guys. There was also a sexual component to wanting to hang out with the women even at that age (and the fact they were all "Mom aged" - probably why I've always been attracted to older/mature women).

The ladies were always the ones who would get things prepared and make sure the function would happen. The men would stand around talking and being important. Self important. They weren't particularly nice to me. The ladies were. I would hear the ladies complaining about the schnooks they were married to, and how they all went for the glory, while the women did all the work. It was the ladies who trained me in politics. The men provided the intellectual cover and framework, but it was the ladies who actually did the work that got shit done.

I swore I would never be a man like that. I would be the guy who did all the stuff, and who was sensitive to their needs, and helped - participated.

Being left wing types, they also all had copies of Germain Greer and Betty Friedan and other feminist authors. They would talk about these books. I would find them and read them while Mom visited. I was 5/6/7 years of age trying to make sense of what I was reading. My brain was a little more capable than my emotional maturity (and yes - I could read that much that well that young). I continued reading feminist authors all my life.

The Female Eunuch (Greer) "The title is an indication of the problem," Greer told the New York Times, "The book's main thesis is that the traditional, suburban, consumerist, nuclear family represses women sexually, and that this devitalizes them, rendering them "eunuchs"." "Women have somehow been separated from their libido, from their faculty of desire, from their sexuality. They've become suspicious about it. Like beasts, for example, who are castrated in farming in order to serve their master's ulterior motives — to be fattened or made docile — women have been cut off from their capacity for action. It's a process that sacrifices vigor for delicacy and succulence, and one that's got to be changed." (wikipedia)

I was in contact with women who were feminist leaders in Canada and the U.S. I liked them. I liked strong women. I could never stand simpering incompetent girly-girl crap. I still like attractive women, though - I'm not into the frump zone.

I hated it when my parents argued. I swore I would never do that. I would be even tempered and try to be always polite and considerate.

I read Playboy. I read The Erogenous Man. I read article after article about being a sensitive and giving sexual partner. I swore I would be that.

I read all my Mom's women's magazines. I read the articles about how men should really be. About what women really want in a man. I swore I would be that.

I would be the perfect man. Always giving. I am a large white male born to privilege. As I have grown I have developed a deep voice and a commanding and relatively powerful presence. I have guilt about that.

I swore I would never be an instrument of patriarchy. That I would fight to make white patriarchal society more egalitarian.

And then I met a woman who was a little fucked up. A victim of abuse. Well... "I as a boy, I believed the saying the cure for pain was love". Except this woman had abusive tendencies herself.

Now you answer the question: "Why did you take the "beatings". Why did you take it? Why did you take it again and again? Why would you? What would compel you to accept the emotional trauma that she would visit on you repeatedly?"


Sicilian said...

Could it be that you were not unlike any prisoner of war. . . . you on a daily basis were made to feel like an idiot. You are worthless. . . unworthy of love. . . less than human. After awhile. . . . you begin to think it is true. . . . and you start to believe you deserve what you get.

Michelle said...

I can't believe you are still pinnning everything on your wife....sheesh.....and smitten? comment!

Yeah, you won;t publish this and I dont care....yet you can come to mine and say whatever you please. Kind of a hypocrite there Cad, don't you think? Oh, but that's LIVE by the double standard rule.

CP said...

The psychologist asking you these questions is pertinent to your issues with your ex wife and moreso with your son, believe it or not. He is going to make the attempt to correct your sons future behavior towards women. At the same time, he is also gathering information as a fact finding mission. In a divorce, there are three sides to every story. His, Hers and somewhere in between the two lies the Truth. He has probably asked her the same thing, in order to find out your respective states of mind. He will not break client/doctor privilege by revealing anything either of you say about the other.

As for Smitten, she can't ask you those things. I mean, she can...literally, but she shouldn't. Especially since she was in a bad place herself with her ex as well.

Why take the beatings?

For love. Because every day that you woke up next to your wife, you believed this would be the day that it would all change. Things would be the way they once were and life would be good again. You indulged your hopeful side over and over. There's nothing wrong with that. And, you, being a sensitive man, probably knew there was something wrong with your wife when you first met her. You were "smitten" with her at the time, and within you, probably felt you could cure her, change her life, give her back the love she never received. Be the gentle soul in her life of abuse.

You can't undo the damage, Cad. You didn't stand a chance.

It is why I stayed with a man who beat me on regular basis for three years. Love. The hope that change will come.

It is why the Hotband stays with me now, through all my crises and angst and treatment. Love. He wants to fix a broken doll, make her whole again. He doesn't stand a chance either. The difference? I recognize my illness and got treatment for it. Your ex never did that, she lives in a constant state of denial and passive aggressive behaviors...none of which she takes responsibilty for.

Smitten should realize that she can't possibly ask you why without knowing that the answer is love. It was always about love and the need of a sensitive man to fix a broken woman.

You try to heal Smitten to this very day, physically and emotionally.

I remember you stating, early on, that she cried during your tender treatment of her, because no man had ever treated her that way.

Your ex probably felt the same way about you...once upon a time.

Even knights fall from their horses from time to time, Cad.


cadbury_vw said...


chelle, i came by your blog once since you decided i was the bad guy

and, unlike you, i wasn't rude

Nobody said...

everything is not cut and dry and you are too hard on yourself... ;)

terry said...

sicilian already said what i was thinking -- that somewhere in your psyche, you believed you deserved to be treated poorly.

SignGurl said...

CP hit the nail on the head. Your wife treats people this way because that is how she was treated. She chose not to get help. You tried to fix her as any human with feelings would. You did your best and probably withstood more than anyone else could.

I realize that we do only get one side of the story when we read a blog. I think you have tried to give us both sides.

I'm so glad that you've made the decision to live a life free of the drama that is your STBEW.

cadbury_vw said...

email from Chelle (Sun, 28 Jan 2007 18:30:05 -0500):

"Cad, I just looked at yoiur comments and noticed that you did post mine. However, now it apprears that your friend eve thinks that I may be your anonymous commenter? I would appreciate it if you would set that straight. ANY comment I have ever made to you, I have left my
name on!! Thank you......Chelle"

Nobody said...

blah, blah, blah...


Michelle said...

Yeah...whatever. You know the truth Cad, but you can't do me the decency to let your commenters know it. Whatever. Think what you like, eve. And thanks for nothing Cad. Have a good life.

cadbury_vw said...

i have now posted both of chelle's comments and her emailed request

the email was posted verbatim so that i would not be "re-interpreting" the email that was sent to me

Nobody said...

Cad- you really tend to draw blog drama?! Fascinating, really!

cadbury_vw said...

chelle has sent me yet another email accusing me of somehow promoting the idea that she is the anonymous commentor.

i am not

i should really repeat that last statment more clearly:

i am not promoting the idea that chelle is anonymous/blog_surfer

i do not have haloscan (which chelle has) on my comments, so i have no clue as to what ip address comments are coming from. i only have a counter on the front page. the times on the comments only vaguely match up with visits in my counter log and lots of times they don't match up at all.

i have no idea and no clue as to who is who, and who is posting other than when someone uses their blogger ID

chelle says that she's not aonymous/blog_surfer.

so be it. great! wonderful. super-dee-duper!

i have underlined and re-inforced her adamant statements to that effect.


at her request i am not publishing her most recent email to me (as referenced above)