work is hard core - not much time
we're ramping up into a busy period and some of my servers have been under attack since last week. I have such brutal headaches - i'm hunched over screen and just completely tense about it.
so, between kids, work, servers, and Smitten I have had just about zero time to come visit everyone.
told mrs_c that the counseling agency I have booked for the kids (the one she agreed to) has a policy that the parents couldn't be involved in a custody dispute and couldn't be heading into one
she was pretty upset about that. she's supposed to phone to confirm their attendance at counseling and her approval of such and said she would
i'm waiting
my lawyer isn't goddamned phoning me back this week
that pisses me off
she should at least have her assistant call me
i haven't been able to get to exercise as much as i wanted this last week. i don't like that. i want to be healthy, i want to reach my personal goal (5-10 more lbs will do it for me), and i want to be slim for Smitten.
i am trying to buff up so that i have better definition all over. i am pretty darn close on weight, but now tone is king. i am giving myself a year to achieve substantial success on the muscle tone i am looking for. i think the results of this last year of effort have been pretty good, so another year is a good timeline (yes, i am trying to psych myself up for it).
went to an art show that my friend was the curator for - he is also an artist. one of the local art guilds. I will refer to this friend in postings as Artist (I'm so original... hey, stuffed animals in our house had creative names like "brown bear" and "pink pony").
Artist is the show co-ordinator for 3 different local guilds and he invited Smitten and I to the show so that he could have an excuse to meet her sooner than later. I provide free web hosting and computer/internet/web site instruction for various art guilds and community organizations, so I am a "patron" of this guild and other artistic groups of various types in our community.
Smitten loved going to the show. She loved that I had put it together as an outing and that I had/have friends who are artists and who do artsy things. She said she was "starved" for this kind of activity in her life (her ex-husband was more of a, uh, ball cap wearing sports dude - which she doesn't want to denigrate, she wants him to be happy, she just wants something else).
Artist, Artist's wife, Smitten, and I went for drinks after the show. It was a lot of fun. This is a couple that Mrs_C and I had socialised with. Really the only people outside of her family (and mine to a limited extent) that we had any interaction with (Mrs_C only wanted to socialise with her family).
It was a lovely time.
My friend called me on Monday and said "Oh my god, is she ever a doll! Artist's wife (who was, um, unsure going in) thinks Smitten is pretty fabulous too. That was nice validation.
We also went to a coin/currency and stamp show on the weekend. Another friend of mine is the public education and recruitment chair for the local coin society. He was one of the organizers for the show. Smitten thought this was pretty cool too.
I bought her a few low cost and but interesting coins - 17th century China, colonial Caribbean, 18th century Greece, and some others.
I'm not a collector guy. I'm a history guy. I like to have the pieces because they evoke history. I could give a shit about the value. So the Chinese coin above cost a buck, and the Greek coin was 50 cents. But they're a couple of hundred years old and look REALLY cool. That's what I like.
I had already gotten Smitten and her kids some Roman coins from my buddy. It is so cool to hold a 1650 year old copper coin in your hand and wonder where it was used and by whom. They are not "collector" quality, but they are legible.
And my friend gave them to me for free (he has bags of these). They'd only be about $3-$5 to buy, but it is still the very notion of having a coin that old in your hand.
Smitten was pretty blown away.
I was going to present them to her kids when i was going to meet them on Monday, but kid's activities got in the way of that plan. Soon enough.
I was completely open about the fact that I want to have her kids associate me with something pretty cool (in my mind at least...) - real Roman coins. I believe i termed it "A cheesy attempt at a bribe." She was delighted and moved that I would be that interested/concerned/engaged regarding meeting her kids that I would want to impress them enough to be creative in my "bribery" attempt.
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago
So show us the coins, dude.
Good luck with the kids.
First of all, I think it is great that you want to be lose weight and be healthy and toned....but for goodness it for YOURSELF, not for Smitten or anyone else!!!
hey bp - i'll try and scan them
thanks chelle - i've lost 60 lbs over the last year
i embarked on this personal journey for myself.
however, i have no problem with wanting to look good for someone else.
i make sure my face is regularly shaved, i make sure my head is shaved, i wear cologne, i make sure my stuff is ironed for the benefit of others (specifically Smitten). otherwise i might be tempted to slough all of the above.
i wanted to be hard body and sexy all for myself, but, that being said, having a *sexier* body is one of those things i want to do to be attractive to her.
and i do want to be attractive to her.
Sixty pounds is awesome! Congratulations!! You SHOULD be Very proud of that!!(and I know you are) And I have read most of that blog, btw! I'm not saying that you (or anyone) shouldnt be concerned with their appearance. Hell, I care what I look like, too!! I think everyone SHOULD be concerned with appearance and hygeine to a certain degree anyway! However...when it comes to losing weight and working out and ALL of that....those are the things that I do for MYSELF. Not my husband, not my kids...for me.....because it makes ME feel good. Yes, others benefit from it (living longer, looking better, etc), but I am just saying that it should be done for you. I would never want anyone to begin to "expect" more and more from me. Does that make sense? "You've lost this much, how about 10 more pounds"...."You've done this, how about that". It's hard to explain. I guess my point is this (and please dont think that I am encouraging this relationship here, because I am not) she liked you from the start of your "friendship" shouldnt she like you for it's duration no matter what you look like?
Gawd, I am sorry for always sounding like a negative nelly. You must dread the times I comment almost as much as you dread the comments from blog surfer or anonymous....LOL I'm not a bad person, really I'm not :)
hey chelle, i welcome all your comments every time
i don't think you are negative at all
and you are right
if someone begins to expect that i should look a certain way, or demand that i look a certain way that is bad
i will remember your words
in my relationship with mrs_C there were many times i molded myself to what she wanted and it stopped being from me to her, but rather from me for her
Thanks for saying that.
Well even your marraige, doing something FOR the other person is not right.
I dunno if this is just me reading way too much into things but just reading that last part of your comment I just wanted to say something. I know you and MRs C had problems for a long time. I went back and read. However, I get the impression that no matter what she could have done or said, and now what she does and says...has not and will not ever please you. I don't know if you notice it or not, but everytime you say something good aboaut yourself, your life, your relationship with your on and so say soemthing negative about mrsC and your relationship with her and how had SHE was and the horrible things SHE said and the bad ways SHE treated you....etc. I picked that up a long time ago. You did it again in your comment. :o( Its so easy to resent people. I kind of have that now with my husband. It's easy to pick out ALL the negative things about him. But it's also not fair of me to do that, whether things are good, bad or indifferent. I know this is your blog and it's a journal of sorts but it is also a place that you have opened up for comments from "strangers" and well, it's sad that our view of your wife is so negative. least that is what I see. Just my two cents. :)
I say can the lawyer if no call back Caddy?1 That's HORRIBLE.
The attorney should call you back. At the very least, the assistant should call you back.
I would let the attorney know how displeased I was at your next meeting.
Glad things are going so well with Smitten.
I'm so happy for you! :)
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