Thursday, June 29, 2006

Yeah, Somehow I Knew It Would Return To This

Mrs_C is working a later shift this week. She's been working 12 until 9pm and is on call. She's been doing that shift in higher rotation because a couple of guys are off recovering from surgery (injury repairs) and her idiot management won't hire new people or allow them to train people up (trying to save a nickel). Yesterday one of her brilliant managers (remember: these are the decision makers, people) had to ask her what a cooling tower is for. Doorknobs...

Anyway, I get home last night after exercising (approx 9:40pm). I don't even know how the conversation got there, but within moments of getting in the door she was on me about "Being more upbeat and enthusiastic" when I see her, and being more positive about our marriage. I'm "OK. I will be more enthusiastic." I will see about making sure that I work at being upbeat. I can make a few easy changes - psych myself up a little, change the music in my MP3 player to all upbeat positive message stuff. That sort of thing.

Even though I'm a little irritated by this, I can do it. I'm prepared to make that effort - give the Wal-Mart morning cheer and get out there!

Here's the kicker. After I gave a response in the affirmative, and said I will change, and said that I was unaware that I was not positive enough, and that I will try harder (I was changing out of my exercise clothes into a bathrobe in the bedroom as we talked). I turned to walk out of the bedroom with my exercise clothes gathered up to take down to the laundry (didn't want to put sweaty damp clothes in the hamper). As I'm heading for the door she says "Oh, so now you're walking out to go pout?"

I turned and asked "I gave you a positive response. I said I would alter my behaviour. I said I would be more upbeat. What more do you want at this time. What is the magic response that will tell you on an emotional level that I mean what I say?"

Blah, blah, blah, blah - 15 minutes.

It went on for awhile until it simmered down and I got to go shower.

We went for a walk. Perfect evening - warm, humid, no mosquitoes. After the initial walk (30 min) she wanted to keep going - it was soooo perfect out - i was OK with continuing. An hour and half of walking later (after a 1.5 hour exercise session [8 mile run included], I'm a little tired and my legs are a little wobbly - it's about 11:40.

We sit and talk for a moment before going to bed. I'm pretty exhausted - I've been up since 6:30am. All of a sudden she's on me further about the positive attitude thing because I'm just kind of sitting like a lump drinking my water. She's telling me I don't treat her very well. She's telling me how my negative mood when I come home from work determines her mood and that it's because of me that she gets defensive and unsure and that's why she lights into me. So I have to change my attitude because otherwise there's no point in being married if she's the only one that has to put any effort into our marriage. That I make all the grandiose pronouncements about being committed and then put no effort into making her feel better or more secure or feel special or that I want to be with her.

I'm clueing into what has set this second rant off. I say that I'm positive and that she's mistaking my silence for something other than exhaustion, and she's mistaking the little clenching and jaw movements for anger - that I'm just getting used to my new dental splint.

She tones down a little. She says "I'm so glad you told me that because otherwise how would I have known?"

We go to sleep.



You've heard it all before.

So have I.

How long did that last?

8 days? 9 days?

Take the magic weekend out and it lasted 6 days?

We're back to I'm to blame.

I know you all said it. I know that it's "I told you so" time.

I'm just mighty dejected that it took that short a time. I really expected that it wouldn't be that quick or that direct a path. I thought if it were going to revert, there would be a couple of weeks of grace. A small blowout - short period of forgiveness, then holidays as a family and that would set the stage for a bad blow-out after we returned in late August. Much the pattern of last year's August (see the very first posts on this blog).

I knew it would work out like this. That the last effort was doomed. I just had to whack that mole one more time. I just had too much problem with:

1) Hurting her (still don't want to do it)
2) Leaving while a person is asking for another chance (I've had to ask for so many additional chances in my life that it's hard to deny that of someone else)
3) The hassle
4) The kids reaction
5) Being ridiculously optimistic

Let's see how my will holds out this week. I need to talk to my parents about that rent and damage deposit. Good thing payday is tomorrow.


cadbury_vw said...

i like the "she's the only one that has to put any effort into our marriage" line

yep, only her

she's the only one working at this

no - she's finally having to work at changing and is discovering it's not so easy

Michelle said...

It's so easy to pin the blame on someone else. Even if ther IS no blame. Is she insecure? Jealous? just mad in general? It must be hard to deal with this type of behavior and I am sure it gets very old after awhile.
I hope everything works out for you in some way :)

ohc said...

1) Hurting her (still don't want to do it)

***What about your emotions and pain?***

2) Leaving while a person is asking for another chance (I've had to ask for so many additional chances in my life that it's hard to deny that of someone else)

*** OK, she asked for a chance {How many is it now?} Yet, no counseling, no reality check on her part...more bullshit (sorry). She did NOTHING to show a positive change of any kind. A few days of being good or nice? Hell, she should be nice to you...the love you have for her is wasted...I am sure upon the chances you were given, you made an effort to make things right...I think there is a big difference here.***

3) The hassle

***Sounds like you ARE being hassled...sometimes you have to go through a hassle to get to a better place, otherwise you will not appreciate it as much. But, Cad, this is grueling. ***

4) The kids reaction

***Your children are bright, grasp reality, and understand what is going on and on several occasions, from what I read, are thrilled when she is GONE! I fear the indecisiveness will hurt them far more. Please know they will be far better in the long run being away from her. With all the love in your heart, turn it on them. Give them a chance for normalcy.***

5) Being ridiculously optimistic

*** There is not one thing with being optimistic! Your an optimistic is your nature. (Don’t change that.)BUT...getting kicked in the balls repeatedly should not be confused with optimism. I think being ridiculously hopeful is a better way to say that***


It's a shame. I know how much this means to you...I feel it. But, I do hope you talk to your parents this weekend. I know they will support you 100%. How lucky you are! Invest your energy with the people that love YOU! Invest your love in your children...and in your self. Damn it, you are a helluva a guy! I swear...Mrs. C is really pissing me off.

Cadbury, I wish you all the best. I still know, in my heart, you are on the right track. I, too know you are a good man.

Get out your Nikes and run like hell....and do not look back. Life is short….

ohc said...

Sorry, But I just can not stop...

I have seen so many people deluded by romance. They do not think their lives are whole unless they 'have' someone. They think they are incomplete unless they are in a relationship. Thing is someone else does NOT make your life whole.

If a person feels incomplete (Mrs. C.), they ALONE must fill their cup with self-love and fill in all their shattered places.

Emerson said, "Nothing can bring you peace but yourself."

This is the one thing YOU CAN NOT GIVE HER.

This is the one thing YOU HAVE! Yes, even amidst the chaos.

Big Pissy said...

I can't say anything that little sis and hippichick have both already said.

and I'm not gonna say I told you so, because you knew it was going to happen......