my son told me this morning that my daughter intends to have a conversation with me about living full time with her mother. apparently daughter has issues with "lack of privacy" at the apartment.
"lack of privacy" is not a phrase i would normally expect out of the mouth of a ten year old
the intent - yes
those words - no
i see the hand of her mother
i cannot describe adequately the rage i feel at this time. i am somewhere between murderous hatred and despair.
i am enforcing calm on myself
she is also phoning me with bizarre ideas on how to work property splits. i have told her that she should take it up through the divorce mediation process, rather than directly with me.
my co-worker had these words, that i would like to share with you:
"She fucked up the last set of buttons, so she's desperately searching for new ones."
How to Beat Sex Addiction
4 years ago
Caddy- the best thing that you can do, is let the make the decision of where they want to live and remain a supportive and understanding dad.
More than likely, the "lack of privaCY" will be extremely desirable after a week or so with your wife.
your co-worker's pretty smart.
as for the kids... shit. this is the hardest part, isn't it?
i wonder if THEY might benefit from some counseling... so they can sort out their feelings without worrying about offending either of you.
it's just a thought.
Mr. C. . . .The kids are her next tool. . . tread lightly. . . don't let her get the best of you. . . . buy an answering machine. . . have your calls screened at work. . . . cut the ties. .
My husband went through a period of time when his son wouldn't speak to him....much less come for his bi-weekly visits. SM would make the two hour drive (his ex would never meet him half way...although it was HER decision to move) pick up his daughter for their visit. The entire time SM was at their apt, his son would stay in his room. The daughter would come to visit, spend time with SM and us, etc. This went on for a year. His son was 11 years old at the time. The son had seen his mother sad, crying, etc...she would tell the son and the daughter that everything different/wrong in their lives was b/c of SM. Naturally the son sided with his mother. wonder his son wouldn't speak to him....the daughter was 3 years older and knew better than to believe everything the mother said.
The daughter never missed a visit.
Good luck with this, Cad.
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